Saturday, August 28, 2010

Start spreadin the news...

New York is full of family, friends and super fun times. Pretty sure most of you know that already.

Here's a super fun trio at Sweetiepie Restaurant in the West Village. All the pink and fancy was a major treat for the kiddos. And the fried chicken and waffles was a major treat for me!

And the rest of us...

And then the happy trio hit Central Park where they ran around the sprinklers with all the rest of the summer campers from the big apple. Very fun for the kiddos, a little too stressful for the parents.

Everyone destressed with some good ole Mister Softie:

This one kills me with that smile and that hair!

One of my favorite memories of all time (well thus far, anyway) was seeing Mary Poppins on Broadway with my girl. It was fabulous, worth every single penny and I will never forget seeing her face soak it all in. So special.

We followed it up with a family night in the N.Y.C. From the M&M store to Rockerfeller Center, we did it all.

Unfortunately, my camera died after these shots (and between the clothes and diapers I didn't remember the charger, of course). So, although we had a blast with cousins and friends, the memories will have to live on in my head.

Monday, August 9, 2010

South Seas

We went to South Seas for the second year in a row for our family "staycation." Although we missed our friends desparately, we really did have a blast.

Monday, July 12, 2010

And she's off...

My girl is a bike rider! A no-training wheels, 20 inch, big kid bike rider. What an awesome moment. So proud of you, Grace!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Jason is 9 Months!

Relevant Stats:
Weight: 18 lbs 13 oz (23%)
Height: 29.5" (86%)
Teeth: 3.5 on the bottom and almost 4 on the top!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Daddy Time!

You never can tell what Daddy has in store, but you can usually count on some swimming and some snuggling. Here is the proof: