Friday, April 23, 2010

Favorite Holiday Photos

I promised some of my favorite holiday photos in an effort to continue my catch up...

Kelly Buck, fabulous Fort Myers photographer extraordinaire took our holiday photos this year. A not-so-easy task given two little ones at very different ages and stages. Still, we ended up with beautiful shots.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Lucky 7

Jason is seven months old today! Already. It seems to be going so much faster the second time around.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Playing Catch Up

Well, it is time. It is way passed time. With my little man turning 7 months tomorrow, I have no excuse. So, if I can just play a little catch up now, I promise to timely update anyone interested in our adventures.
First up, the Birthday Boy:

At three weeks early, he had a bit of peach fuzz left over from the womb:
Here is Big Sister Grace holding her brother Jason for the first time:

Little fingers and toes:

Going home (not a big fan of the car. For the better part of three months, this was the way Baby Jason looked when riding in the car):

Jason is One Month:

Jason is Two Months:

Thumbs Up for Three Months:

Four Months!
Jason is Five Months:

The Big SIX Months:
Next up: Catch up on the holiday photos of the last six months and turning 7 months. What a part-time lawyer/full time mom can manage to accomplish (or not!) with her five year old girl and 7 month old boy.